Tuesday, 4 November 2014

TIPS // Revamp your old nail polish

Stuvac is here! (For those who aren't from Australia, this is short for 'study vacation') While this means I can finally sleep in on weekdays, it also heralds the start of the exam period... and the first one I have is on Partial Differential Equations. Bummer. But I've found some time in between my frantic revision of Laplace transforms and Fourier series to give you something fun you can do with any nail polish you dislike (and a bit of a continuation from my DIY Eyeshadow Nail Polish)!

I bought this nail polish a couple of months ago when I was looking for something red to wear to a party:

It looked okay in the bottle: not the scarlet I was looking for, but a red nonetheless. But the more I wore it, the more I hated it. You know what it reminds me of? That cheap red paint that toymakers used to colour plastic dolls' shoes. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a doll fan (I used to take apart their limbs to use as pretend cooking utensils when I was a toddler), and the formula was rather thin so it took several coats to get it looking relatively even. I'm not the sort of girl to throw something out if I don't like it, so I decided to make a few alterations.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love dark polish (my nails are a deep aubergine at the moment!), so of course, I decided to add some black to see if I could get a darker shade. It took a lot more than I expected - I added it dropwise at first, but it hardly made a difference, so I poured it in a little at a time (with lots of shaking in between) and tested it on a piece of paper until I got the colour I wanted. And wow, what a difference it makes!

I love this new colour SO MUCH! It's kind of a dark burgundy with a bit of shimmer, and I had so many people asking where I got the colour. It's super easy to mix your polish, and you can mix just about any shade together - blues and greens will give you turquoise, reds and whites make pink, orange and pink give peach, and so on. Use your creativity, pick out all the colours you never wear, and have some fun concocting some new shades!


  1. It is so creative of you to mix the colors, i would never have thought of it! The color turns out really beautiful!


  2. what a great way to revapm an old nail polish...it looks much better as a dark red....

