Sunday, 1 June 2014

DIY // Statement Necklace from Earrings

I came across these gorgeous gold filigree leaf earrings while shopping at the QVB in Sydney (you can buy them here). I never intended to wear them, of course - they were the perfect piece to take apart. Look how pretty it is! And the best part about this is that I only used one earring - another project for the future!

Shows up very well on black, doesn't it?

What you'll need:

- Large statement earrings, preferably with several dangling parts
- Long chain
- Needle and black thread

1.  Take the earring apart.

2. Decide on your design. Take two pieces and line their holes up.

3. Double thread the needle and thread through the first piece from the bottom, and the second piece from the top. Knot the thread 2 times. Loop through the holes again several more times, taking care not to pull it too tight (you want them to hang freely) and then double knot at the back. Repeat until all the pieces are attached.

4. Attach the chain by the same method. I didn't use a clasp for my necklace, so I made it long enough to go over my head without needing to be opened.

 And voila - an easy statement necklace that uses no jump rings or clasps! How simple was that?

Let me know what you think in the comments below!