Sunday, 30 November 2014

DIY // Foil Manicure

Sometimes, the best materials are sitting right under our very noses. Who would've thought that the humble kitchen foil could be used for nail art? This DIY is a super simple one that you can whip up in 20 minutes, and the results look very impressive for something that came from your kitchen!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

TIPS // Revamp your old nail polish

Stuvac is here! (For those who aren't from Australia, this is short for 'study vacation') While this means I can finally sleep in on weekdays, it also heralds the start of the exam period... and the first one I have is on Partial Differential Equations. Bummer. But I've found some time in between my frantic revision of Laplace transforms and Fourier series to give you something fun you can do with any nail polish you dislike (and a bit of a continuation from my DIY Eyeshadow Nail Polish)!