Sunday, 7 September 2014

TUTORIAL // Long Chain Earrings

So I've been out of action for a little while... what was the reason behind it all? A mounting stack of assignments and exams to deal with, as well as a lack of sleep due to my abominably early math classes. Fortunately, last month was the worst of it (I hope) and now I'm back to diy-ing. Yay!

Today's DIY is extremely simple - with a few materials, you can make 3 completely new earrings. How awesome is that?

What you'll need:

  • Stud earrings
  • Chains
  • Jump rings
  • Charms (I removed these from old bracelets)

Style 1: Double chain earring

1. Take a long piece of chain, and join its ends together with a jump ring (note: you can also do this and the next step with 2 chains, one shorter and one longer).

2. Attach a jump ring about 2 cm (about 1 in) from the other end when laid flat.

3. Take one of the jump rings and thread onto the earring post. The other one will go behind your ear and be held in place by the earring backing. Alternatively, you can attach it directly to the earring backing. Repeat for the other side.

Style 2: Delicate chain earring

1. Taking a piece of chain about 6 cm (2.5 in) long, attach a small charm to the end.

2. Attach a jump ring to the other end, and attach it to the earring backing. Alternatively, thread it onto the post after your ear and hold it in place with the backing. Repeat for the other side.

Style 3: Double pearl earring

1. Attach your pearl charm to the end of a long chain.

2. If your chain is large enough, you can thread it directly onto the earring (if not, attach a jump ring). Pick a point a little less than halfway along the chain, and thread it onto the earring. 

3. Repeat with the other side, and you'll have this:

All of these took me about 10 minutes to make, and I absolutely love the way they look! They look really pretty and dainty when I've got my hair tucked behind my ear, and I wear them all the time. 

Which one was your favourite? Let me know in the comments below!

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