Monday, 11 August 2014

DIY // Bead Tassel Earrings

Ok, I'll admit it - I've been a little slow to join the tassel fanclub. I guess I wasn't a big fan of wearing things that (to me) belonged on curtains and cushions. But then I discovered bead tassels - and that changed everything! I love the sleek look of a long tassel dangling from your ear, which really does wonders to frame your face and draw attention to your lips. So I've come up with a way to diy your very own set of tassel earrings!

What you'll need:

  • Seed beads
  • Earring hooks
  • 2 Jump rings
  • Needle and thread
  • 2 Tassel caps


1. Attach your jump rings to your earring hooks.

2. Using your thread and needle, tie a knot around a bead and start stringing them on until the tassel is about 6.5 cm (2.5 in) long.

3. String on the tassel cap as well, then loop through the jump ring and tie a tight knot. Make sure the opening of the jump ring is pointing upwards, so your thread won't slip off.

4. Thread the needle back through the cap, and repeat step 2. A little trick I like to do when I get to the end is thread the needle back up the beads with the remainder of the thread (after I've knotted, of course) to make sure the end won't untie itself.

5. Now repeat steps 2 to 4 until you have eight dangly bits (for lack of a better term) or however many you want. For me, eight was the magic number.

Simply repeat for the other one, and bam, you've got a gorgeous new pair of earrings! I love wearing these with an updo - pair it with a lovely ballerina bun and a red lip for a lasting impression on someone you'd like to impress ;)

What did you think of this DIY? Let me know in the comments below!

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