Monday, 20 October 2014

DIY // Chandelier Connector Earrings

By now, I'm sure you know I don't buy earrings just to wear them as they are. NOPE - I buy earrings to take apart and turn into pieces that reflect my personal style. I've always preferred wearing dainty or elegant pieces to the statement jewellery they have in stores, but I'm also a sucker for large, intricate (and shiny) pieces that really grab your attention... yeah, you can see where this leads to. Simply put, I buy a lot of crap I never wear.

But the good thing about this is I have an endless supply of material to play around with (a good side to shopping addiction! Yay!). These connectors were leftovers from my statement necklace DIY, and I loved how they looked so edgy even when they were meant to be hidden. I can see lots of other projects centred around these in the future, so stay tuned! 

Right, let's get on to the tutorial.

Friday, 10 October 2014

DIY // Choker Necklace

The 90's brought us many good things (Nirvana, Radiohead, Pokemon... the list goes on), but one of its most ubiquitous items is the choker. Of all the necklaces in the world, the choker is definitely the most unique. In this post, I'm gonna show you how to make your own!

Sunday, 5 October 2014

DIY // Eyeshadow Nail Polish

Here's a quick DIY to get your day started! We all have pans of old eyeshadow we never use. Sure, they look great... that is, when they're not on your face. Rather than throwing them out, here's a way to put them to good use without having to leave the house with neon green eyelids. 

Thursday, 2 October 2014

DIY // Yarn Bowls

For as long as I can remember, I've had a stash of yarn hiding in the back of my closet that I haven't touched in years. So I decided to use them to decorate my space instead, and I really love the way they turned out! This is a really fun diy to do, as long as you're ready to get delightfully messy (seriously, wear an apron if you don't want flour all over your clothes).